Support The Vote Against Bill A2270

Brother Knights,

We know that only God has the authority to give or take life.

The NJ “Aid in Dying” bill is a grave affront to God’s supreme authority. Bill A2270 is again to be on schedule for a vote this fall, so please continue to contact your legislators and tell them to Vote No. Go to this page and use the “Click here” link at the bottom. Make the quick, easy phone calls to your NJ Assembly rep’s.

The director of NJ Right to Life states, “In reality, the “Aid in Dying for the Terminally Ill Act” is riddled with loopholes and contradictions that place the lives of the very people it purports to empower at grave risk of abuse and coercion.”

Assisted suicide, renamed “death with dignity,” and “aid in dying,” all are murder – a human being is taking a human life, even if it is his own.

On Oct.22, we will celebrate the first Feast Day of St. John Paul the Great since he was declared a Saint this spring. Let us follow the example of our former Pope John Paul II who accepted his sufferings with grace, as part of God’s Master Plan for his life. We never know what graces and relief of Purgatorial time are gained through the sufferings of illness or aging, united to the suffering of our Lord.

Respect Life – from Conception to Natural Death!

Knights of Columbus
Jubillee Council #3294

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